
A light, airy, effervescent, blog of grave consequence. (NOT!) Dedicated to those of us who must respond to negative stimuli by Chernobyling (entombing in concrete) our innermost thoughts.

Location: Slaughter, Louisiana, United States

A semi-gruntled corporate reliability engineer trying to make ends meet while keeping my wife happy, and myself out of the asylum.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Back in Atlanta

Bimmer performed flawlessly. Great ride. And to top it off, the bike triggers the loop at the parking garage so I can come and go easily rather than tge pita tge Buell was. It just keeps getting better.

Pic from Daily's restaurant. Escargot & swordfish on their way.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, I tell ya, life is tough. How do we ever manage? (Isn't it superior?)

6:21 PM  

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