So. What's left?
Since the media and the Moore-ons blew their entire wad of anti-Bush capital over the last two years, what the hell are they going to do for the next four years? They were so blind to the possibility that us uneducated yokels might turn out in numbers high enough to even preclude any recount bullshit, that they forgot to keep a few hole cards hidden.
On top of that, they're not running against Bush anymore. So does anyone think the same kind of personal attacks will matter a whit when repeated ad nauseum again? Bush is in the enviable position of effectively having nothing to lose. Pass a flat tax! Pass a supermajority requirement for congress to raise taxes! Drop the hammer to clean up Iraq! Invade and democratize Iran! And I'm only talking between now and the inauguration!
Today is a good day. @:-)
It's the best day! It truly is!
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