You sadistic bastards.
The hurricane is turning North as you babble. It is heading toward Louisiana again. I know that there is no one left here that you care about because the poor people (read: democratic voters that W ostensibly hates) have already been put up in shelters by the government but Galveston and Houston are not going to get much of this storm. They will be on the leeward side anyway so the wind speed will be even further reduced. And furthermore, neither city is built 20+ feet below sea level.)
Way to go. The biggest disaster of this hurricane season is the media's relentless victim-production. I'm sick to death of seeing these unfortunates on TV whining that they are stuck in traffic. Go back home. You'll be safer there than on the road with all the other idiots.
Why doesn't the media show the side that the refugees from the last storm are displaying all too frequently around here. Turning their noses up at the donated food and clothing because it isn't good enough. (Not all of them, obviously, but enough that even I've seen it.) Go loot something in a slum if you don't like it damnit.
Man. I've got to turn off the TV.
Yeeeeessssssssss! It's about time that you turn off the TV!
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