
A light, airy, effervescent, blog of grave consequence. (NOT!) Dedicated to those of us who must respond to negative stimuli by Chernobyling (entombing in concrete) our innermost thoughts.

Location: Slaughter, Louisiana, United States

A semi-gruntled corporate reliability engineer trying to make ends meet while keeping my wife happy, and myself out of the asylum.

Sunday, October 02, 2005

That was interesting.

I just went for a bit of a drive this morning. I figured I couldn't just sit in the hotel room for another entire day so I found the nearest Hardees, mapped it out and headed west. The restaurant is in New Iberia, LA. About 90 miles from here. West on I10 and South on LA 90. I was amazed that the road was as good as it is. I guess mild winters and effectively no ground frost make for decent highway stability. I was also amazed by the bridge(s). There was one stretch that had to be about 20 miles long where I10 runs through a swamp. The roadway is elevated about 20 feet above the water on pilings for the entire stretch.

I saw a Steven's Transport rig and trailer on my way back but I couldn't tell if it was my father-in-law.

The restaurant was pretty old and a bit drab, but the food was hot and fresh so it was worth it.

Now I'm back to watch the fall Taladega race on TV. Yippee. What a life.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually life is pretty nifty! Taking rides and seeing what's out there in your new home state is a good way to spend some time accruing knowledge. Non?

2:34 PM  

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