I'm starting to wonder...
Why I bother to still buy American cars.
Our 2006 Durango picked up a rock at some point that broke the lens on the driver's side fog light. I obtained a replacement from a dealer on Ebay.
I finally got around to changing it this morning. I swear this P.O.S. was designed by the same team that did my 1978 F250.
In order to remove the light, you have to nearly remove the entire front bumper cover. Conveniently, the bumper cover is attached with plastic one-time-use fasteners. After a trip to the parts store for some decent fasteners, I had it back together.
How frigging hard would it have been to make the opening in the bumper cover a half inch larger so the light could be removed from the front?
Life is tough! Sorry, I still like American even if it doesn't mean it's made here! Even if it even stinks sometimes! I'm an optimist and American means opportunity for optimists so quit bellyaching and go into design!
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