
A light, airy, effervescent, blog of grave consequence. (NOT!) Dedicated to those of us who must respond to negative stimuli by Chernobyling (entombing in concrete) our innermost thoughts.

Location: Slaughter, Louisiana, United States

A semi-gruntled corporate reliability engineer trying to make ends meet while keeping my wife happy, and myself out of the asylum.

Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Yeah. Sincerity... We can fake that...

Nancy Pelosi, Flaming California democrat, on Lou Dobbs last night:

PELOSI: I know, but the public was not fully aware of that. Now that they are proclaiming their mandate, I think it will be clear to the public and easier for us. This presents an opportunity for Democrats, with our agenda, for a new partnership for America's future, for job creation, et cetera, that we go out there and make a clear distinction. This is our moment in the Congress without the presidential race and all of the eclipsing of the bread-and-butter issues that the administration successfully did with some of the so- called values issues. And we have to define what values are. Values are, of course, being persons of faith and family and love of country. They also are about ministering to the needs, as it says in the Gospel of Matthew, of the least of our brethren.So we have to grow the middle class and expand it. We have to protect the environment, which is God's creation. We have to meet the needs of the American people. We have to reach to a higher purpose, and I believe we have that opportunity now.

DOBBS: Minority Leader, I'm just -- I'm just a simple fellow, secular as I can be. Are we going to hear every politician now, because of exit polls, start couching every issue in moral or religious terms?

PELOSI: I believe that you will see more of that, but I quite agree with you, that we have to get to the issues that are the role of government. I think on the values side, the so-called religious issues side, we have to enlarge that issue, because what we're in danger now in our country is the blurring of the issue of church and state. But I as a devout Catholic was concerned when bishops -- some bishops, not all bishops said that it was a sin to vote for John Kerry. That's absolutely wrong. And that -- our own Constitution is at stake if they think that they can blur the issue of church and state.So I think that, as President Kennedy said when he ran in 1960, imagine then, they didn't want religion to have a strong role. At that time, he said, "The issue is not what church I believe in, the issue is what America I believe in." And that's where we have to take this issue.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I remain totally amazed by the Democrat response to their loss. It is absolutely amazing that these educated, elitist, rich, cowardly people still think that they hold the reins. We'll have to remain vigilant because they will tell any lie, exagerate any rumour to put down the conservative agenda. My belief is that the conservative majority will grow in the next four years and hopefully the disenchanted left will all go to France, or better yet to Iraq, Iran,or North Korea.

5:30 PM  

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