Well, fellow Connecticutters, Bend Over, Here It Comes Again.
Thanks to the valliant efforts of some of our neighbors who suffer from an utter lack of economic understanding, we all are about to be hit with, wait for it, "Locality Taxes".
As if the current property, sales, and income tax burdens weren't enough, now the state house is considering legalizing the ability of individual towns to impose their own taxes on gas, income, whatever to make up for the state's shortfall.
Thanks to these misguided, ignorant, NIMBY, morons who are driving every ounce of industrial tax base out of this state through over-taxation, and ludicrous union-supportive labor laws, we all get to waste more of our paycheck to support their part of this state's infrastructure.
How can anyone in this state be FOR raising taxes? We already carry one of, if not the highest tax burdens in the US. And what do we get for it? The roads are mediocre, the schools are a joke run by the students, there are no tourist areas of note, and no significant entertainment venues. Hey, but at least the UConn basketball teams are #1, right? (Ohhhh, Yeeaaahh.)
The only way I can see anybody who lives here actually being OK with a tax increase is if their primary residence is not actually in this state and they have a loophole to fall through to keep their OWN taxes low.
Many thanks to everybody who has voted against industrial improvement projects or local enterprise zone improvement starting with the State AG right down through 'Save Our Town' and 'Stop the Track'. I hope you're all independently wealthy because within the next ten years, there will be no jobs that generate revenue left in the great state of Mashantucket.
Oh for Pete's sake! Stop picking on UCONN! They're so much fun to watch, win or lose! Being a blue state what did you expect when it comes to taxes!! Of course we may all be leaving for the South or Southwest in the next few years and we'll leave good old Connecticut to Massachusetts!(sp?)
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