Whew. I just registered an out-of-state purchased vehicle. The entire process took about twelve full hours of either waiting in line, or waiting to wait in line. It was less-than comical.
The Danbury DMV is sooooooo bad they have actually installed a permanent lunch counter IN THE WAITING AREA! I knew I was in trouble when I walked in and saw that. And I'm sure the employees behind the registration windows are capable and just doing their jobs, but there were three windows open at all times and they were averaging only 6 people per HOUR. It was horrible. I gave up and went to Winsted, instead. Much quicker. Five windows open and the flushed through the 21 people ahead of me in 40 minutes. (That was just to get a temp plate.)
Then I had to have the emissions checked. Another 90 minutes at a car dealer waiting for the teenager running the show to run my car on a treadmill and tell me the exhaust is so clean it's actually safe to breathe in case of fire.
Finally, back to Winsted to get the permanent plate. A bit slower than last time, but still good except for the 4 sub-four year old children that people had dragged along with them for the sole purpose, it seemed, of exercising their lungs. There should be a law that no children under the age of 15 are allowed in the DMV offices.
$151 later and the car is good for two years. Yippee. At least I don't have to go back to the DMV.
You actually lucked out! Try Norwich, it's the pits! Then you would have to try Saybrook which has also become impossible! Waiting in line to get a ticket to wait in line is the height of absurdity! Sisyphus was happy. Remember the existential bullshit artists? Well, they are alive and well and dwelling in the Cretan Labyrinth of Connecticut's bureaucracy awaiting their pound of flesh. (Sorry, I mixed Greek mythology with Shakespeare. But I'm sure you've already gotten the ignoble picture.)
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