So. Here's the news.
It's been an interesting last coupla months. In June, after returning from our Playa del Carmen trip, which, as I've said before, was wonderful, I was contacted be a couple of technical recruiters. I get several of those calls per year and have never returned them. Until now.
I'm not too sure why I called them back this time, but I guess I felt it might be time for a change. The company I was working for had been doing some things over the last few years that I didn't really understand and I was concerned that they are looking to outsource all of their engineering. Anyway.....
In early July I had a phone interview with the engineering manager of a competitor's #1 site. That interview went very well and even though the job I was interviewing for had just been filled, (By an engineer from the same company I worked for as well,) the competitor decided that I should have an on-site interview to see if it would be worth their while to hire me.
On July 14-16 I flew down to Baton Rouge for the interview. It was a substantial interview. These people are sharp. I have not seen as many technical savants in one place at my old company. I took lots of notes on that trip and once I get my iPAQ hooked up, I'll post them here.
Suffice it to say, the interviews went very well and I received an offer of employment on August 17. I accepted immediately. And, after passing the drug screen and background check, here I am, in Zachary, LA. I start my new job tomorrow at 7am.
More posts to come.
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