Tom Cruise better watch his back....
Al Gore may be heading his way.
Does it seem to anyone else that the global environmental catastrophe crowd is starting to look a lot like Scientology?
Even the freaking weather channel is starting to annoy me with all the global warming bullshit they're spewing. You can't watch the weather for more than 15 minutes without some moron proselytizing about the coming man-made apocalypse that is all America's fault.
Global Warming idiocy is the latest 'religion' for un-critical non-thinkers. Al Gore is the latest incarnation of L. Ron Hubbard. An Inconvenient Truth is the next Dianetics. The only thing missing is the belief that alien spirits inhabit the planet.
Global Warming is a religion for draining the wallets of guilty suburban atheists too worried about the carbon content of their own flatulence to be concerned about a real religion that is hell bent on destroying all Christians and Jews.
All I can say is this: When the morons like Algore and the Weather Channel staff can predict next week's weather or even the severity of the next hurricane season correctly, I might consider listening to what they say will happen in fifty friggin' years.
Amen! Very well elucidated! Merci!
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