Election eve thoughts.
I voted first thing this morning on my way home from work. I voted for 6 proposals that would block the state's ability to create new property taxes on cars, and other stuff, against a tax increase that wouldn't have affected me, and for the next town over to incorporate and start their own school system. Yippee.
Otherwise, it looks like we're going to be hearing a lot about how this election is a repudiation of the Bush doctrine. And the they'll say how they want to repeal the tax cuts. The tax cuts have been around for 6 years now. Why can't those intellectually dishonest pussies just say they want to jack up your taxes?
And to top that off, you'll hear a lot about how this was a referendum on the war. That's nice to say, but the last purported referendum on the war, Ned Lamont was just stomped by Joe Leiberman who holds the same view as Bush on the war.
Good thing politics doens't have to make sense.
How true! I'm constantly amazed by what the electorate will do! I still think that we can weather this Democrat Storm. It would be nice if the Republicans started to remember their roots. . . miniscule government, no taxes, honesty, strength etc.
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