Well. Here's one of those "count your blessings" moments.
I was right. This area didn't get hit with shit. The storm here in Zachary was no worse than any Nor'Easter I've been through in Torrington and I didn't have snow to shovel afterwards.
Lots of problems for the communications grids though. The phone service is barely iffy at best and the Sprint cell phone I have hasn't worked except once since the storm and then I got an answering service. Oh well.
The hotel I'm at didn't even lose power. My biggest inconvenience, (Other than the absolutely depressing people sobbing every morning at breakfast as they pick out their neighborhoods under water on the TV) is that I have only a dialup AOL connection to the internet. Otherwise, I'm fine, my job is starting well, and everything here is loking pretty good.
I'll update when I can, but I'm not going to get my hopes up too much.
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