L. Brent Bozell, president and head wanker of the Parents Television Council is recommending that NBC and all of its affiliates be fined for Dale Jr's slip of the tongue during a post-race interview a couple weeks ago.
Story here.
Quote: "This is precisely why Congress needs to increase indecency fines. Television networks need to get serious about halting the flow of indecent material over the broadcast airwaves, but that won't happen when the financial penalties can be absorbed as a reasonable cost of doing business.
"We are demanding that the FCC impose the maximum fine allowable under the law against every NBC affiliate that aired this offense. We further demand that the FCC consider license revocation as a real option given the repetitive nature of these offenses," said Bozell.
OK. Now Brent, I appreciate that you donated a couple thousand bucks to Bush in 2003, but Christ. Get a freakin' life. Brittney Spears gyrating like a harlot at a gynecological exam on MTV? Rap "singers" using misogynistic language and inuendo so foul it actually transmits an odor into my living room? The evening news spewing forth stories that are based on nothing but fabricated bullshit?
All that is Okey-Dokey and you're worried because a 5 year old might have overheard Jr. use the word "SHIT"?
Have you been to a grammar school lately, you putz? Kids these days are raised by the friggin TV. If the only four letter word a five year old knows today is SHIT, he's more sheltered than most.
Have you watched an NBA game lately either? I'm not deaf, but it doesn't take a moron to lip-read mutha-fucka forty times an hour.
Why don't you clamp down on the stuff that's actually a problem. Leave NASCAR out of it. The only sport (other than NHRA Drag Racing) that is mainly wholesome. Who would you rather your kids emulated? Dale Jr.? or Dennis Rodman?